Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Milfoil Weevil as a Solution to Invasive Milfoil

By Dave Duncan

Milfoil weevils could be more helpful to local habitats and humanity than anyone recognizes. This little bug may be very helpful because it eats the invasive flora known as milfoil and poses no threat to humanity.

Two types of milfoil exist in the United States. Eurasian Milfoil is invasive and non-native and the other is simple native. indigenous milfoil is simply annoying, but the predatory species is a menace to all bodies of water in the northern US states. It is this one that is making the milfoil weevil so significant.

Eurasian Milfoil (the primary milfoil that will be referenced from this point on) probably came to The Us between the 1800's and the 19404's as an undesirable passenger on some large ship. Because of its ability to travel on ship anchors, bottoms, and propellors it spread widely, bringing with it drastic ecological shifts and extra problems for people. This is also a great way to spread the milfoil weevil as well.

It spreads quickly and destroys ecosystems by clogging out the indigenous plant life which reduces food for water fowl, contracts habitat for fry, and reducing fishing by beasts. The large mats it forms reduce the oxygenation of water by wind that leads to stressed fish and algae blooms.

For humanity, it cuts the recreational uses of the water by swimmers, boaters, and fisherman. Residential Districts are more adversely affected as the mats can foul intake and overflow pipes ensuing in flooding or droughts. The mats can be especially damaging to dams by breaking or clotting generators and reducing power production.

The tiny milfoil weevil seems to be the panacea to this plague. The fact that it is native favors Eurasian milfoil over indigenous milfoil, and kills the colonies bit by bit, giving indigenous species time to recover, make this the ideal. Add to that the number of generations of milfoil weevils per annum (at least 3) and you have a natural pestilence remover with none of the problems associated with other ways. When taking into consideration how quick the milfoil spreads, it is obvious that weevils are the perfect answer to controlling the problem.

This water plant spread quickly because broken pieces can sink to the bottom and easily form new plants. The use of a harvesting machine is not a great solution because it causes breakage and results in more milfoil growth. Vacuum dredging works a little better because no broken parts are left behind, but at the same time the vacuum disrupts the water and could leave no plant life at the bottom.

With a taste for Eurasia milfoil rather than the indigenous milfoil, the weevil eats the flora from the inside out, ultimately destroying the whole flora. With a short life span (milfoil weevils live about thirty days) at least three generations will live and die till they head to the shore to winter. Milfoil weevils do have wings, but no one has ever seen them fly so no on knows exactly how the come ashore for the winter. The weevils are hearty small bugs and once they are inserted to an area, they can survive the harshest weather.

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