Tuesday, September 22, 2009

An Introduction To Joana's Leveling Guide

By Bob Hobson

Joana's leveling guide has long been the top of the list of favourite leveling guides for Horde characters. However, this reputation is very well deserved since not only many years of experience have gone into making this guide, but it is also frequently updated.

One of the most attractive things about this guide is, since it is most popular, is that it is frequently updated. Don't bother wasting your money on official strategy guides, since as soon as you buy them, they will be out of date with the next major content patch.

Things are constantly added in rendered obsolete in the World of Warcraft. It is a very much dynamic entity, so for example, a guide on leveling which you bought a year ago, will be completely irrelevant now in many respects. However, Joana's leveling guide is frequently updated and what's even better, all updates a free ones you buy the product.

This makes the product work out a lot cheaper than many competing guides, since you will never have to buy the product again no matter how major the revision is.

It also takes you right up to the maximum level, currently level 80. There are still guides out there which will only help you to level seventy or even any level sixty. These are pretty useless these days, since the slowest and most difficult part of leveling tends to be from seventy to eighty.

While leveling is definitely easier than it used to be with the recent patches, it still takes a lot of time, especially once you reach a level seventy. However, this can be sped up enormously by using this leveling guide. Also, you don't have to continuously minimize the game to review it.

Even better, the guide comes with a built in component which you use in game. This means that you don't have to minimize the game to refer to the guide. Nonetheless, there is a guide which you can print out if you prefer.

There is also a guide for the Death Knight starting area and much more. It also gives you quite a few useful extras which you will definitely find come in handy.

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