Sunday, December 6, 2009

Free The Incredibles Online

By Dustin Tyler

The Incredibles movie certainly lived up to its name and made for an incredible animation movie. Pixar never fails to amaze and entertain and even move audiences with their fresh animation movies that are simply one better than the other. They are, without a doubt, the leaders in the production of quality animation and succeed in making their movie characters and scenes look almost life like. The Incredibles is just such a movie with elements of drama, action and humor all blended together in the right proportions.

Mr. Incredible happens to be one of the many Super Heroes out to save the city and starts off the movie by going about his daily super hero duties. In the performance the said duties, however, he ends up causing a lot of destruction to public property. Mr. Incredible is not only sacked from his job but also finds himself being sued by the rescuer who apparently wasn't looking to be rescued.

Our hero with his mate Elastagirl plunges into domesticity and even becomes a father. But, he feels the lack of thrill and action keenly. The kids that are born to the couple turn out to have their own set of powers which they're asked not to use in their everyday life. As time goes by, Mr. Incredible begins to experience something akin to Mid-life Crisis and starts wondering what he can do to deal with it. Unknown to him a Super villain is planning and plotting his comeback, this time as a Super Hero.

Throughout the movie you tend to keep forgetting that you are watching an animation. Most of the scenes including the characters look very real. Some of the elements such as water and fire are one of the most difficult to depict in animation but Pixar manages to bring everything to life quite beautifully.

The movie definitely draws inspiration from some famous comic superheroes such as the Fantastic Four, the Silver Surfer and almost certainly the Watchmen. In fact, a lot of keen comic readers believe that the Incredibles is more or less based on the Watchmen graphic novel. But those of you who haven't really read the graphic novel, don't worry about it, the movie even if inspired by the Watchmen is still incredible.

Are you saying you haven't watched this brilliant Pixar movie yet? Well, here's your chance to finally do so. Just log on to our website and watch The Incredibles online free of cost.

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